Adding Header Prefix

Is there any way to add a Header Prefix to add the “Bearer” to the Authorization header before the token?


Hi Esteban,

If you’re using the OAuth authentication with client id / client secret, “bearer” is already added automatically to the authentication header. If this isn’t working for you there’s likely another reason.

Any more information you can provide would help. Which values you’re populating, which FHIR server provider (if any) you’re using, Windows of Mac.

Hi Darren,
Thanks for the quick response.
I’m trying to authenticate against Apigee as Gateway and I’m using the Mac Client, Intel based and M Chip, neither work.
I’m populating the URL, Token Endpoint, Client ID and Secret, Grant Type as “client_credentials”.
When I authenticate against another FHIR server that uses Kong using OAuth2 as gateway, it works perfectly!
Everything works fine on Postman.
Can it be something with the validation of the certificates?
Is there anyway to see the request sent or eventually debug it somehow?


You can test if the problem is the token retrieval or the call to FHIR by bypassing the Oauth flow and first getting a token using Postman. When you have that, add it as a request header as below.

If this works for you, then the issue is in the token retrieval.


There is a log file saved to the “Library\Application Support\Vanya Client” folder called log.txt. This might capture some additional information about the problem.